Sad to see Instapundit become a biased hack. While he writes reasonably well on social issues, his foreign policy stuff is sadly ignorant. I liked Chapati Mystery's excellent take on David Brooks' column. [a must read] He hit the nail on the head, and identified the problem that afflicts the far-right, Instapundit included. Note how a vast majority of the "good news from Iraq" is always by Americans (including the armed forces) and hardly by Iraqi bloggers.

Andrew Sullivan is much more smart. He has done a nice CYA job on both sides of the aisle and takes pot shots which are relatively safe. For instance, Abu Ghraib (everyone condemns it), Maureen Dowd (easy target for anyone but, the far left), Rick Santorum (easy target for anyone but, the far right) and so on.

All this means is that you end up reading more and more sources to give you a balanced view. For example, I read many more American and Iraqi blogs to get a better perspective on the stories behind the framing of the awful Constitution. And as these blogs become mainstream they in turn become easy prey to partisan viewpoints.

Then you have to begin the process all over again.

We castigate MSM, but we forget that MSB (Mainstream Blogs) often have agenda that are more partisan. In other words, for readers of blogs, it becomes a catch-up game - identify the sources which seem authentic, balance it out with other sources but keep moving. Reliable sources become less reliable when they begin to get credibility from many bloggers.

It is tiring and time consuming. Quite Rashomon like.

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  1. Another reason is that many people do not understand other people's impulses
    Thus an atheist is unable to understand what drives a religious person .He is only able to either make fun of it or call it delusional or driven by personal motives etc..

  2. Anonymous3:39 AM

    well, not just the blogging. Its the linking to as well, and frequent references as well - I have used a few sites in my brief blog-life of a year, and what I have observed is the clannish behaviour.

    I have reconciled to it now. There is not a single place to get an unbiased view. You just have to look at various places for that - and if all of them have a single root link, its more than likely that you dont get the balanced view.

  3. uma, history, bangalore - I think even group blogs are simply a collection of biases. Which is fine. All, I'm asking for is an effort at neutrality at least when it comes to news (vs views). These MSBs frequently blur the facts.

  4. Good stuff, Arun - insightful and true.

    I'm currently in the Bay Area for a month or so - mostly off-line/off-blogging


I had shared this with friends on August 15th.
On India's independence day, a tribute to a naked gay Jewish Iranian mystic who has a dargah in Delhi. Let us celebrate the independence of thought. 
In "The Jew in the Lotus', Rodger Kamenetz accompanies various hues of Jewish rabbis to India where they discuss deep religious concepts with many Buddhist teachers, including the Dalai Lama. This experience transforms him from being an agnostic to being an agnostic who is proud of his Jewish identity. 
Kamenetz narrates a wonderful story of an Armenian Jewish naked sufi saint called Sarmad who collaborated with Dara Shikoh to write the Jewish chapter of his interfaith book. Sarmad was deeply in love with a Hindu (male) called Abhi Chand and when the authorities forced them to part, Sarmad shed all his clothes and lived naked from then on. Some believe that he converted to Islam while others believe that he did not [1]. After Aurangzeb murdered his brother, he began rounding up his associates and sure enough, Sarmad was one of them. He was called before Aurangzeb and asked to recite the shahadah (la ilaha illa-lahu - There is no God, but God) and Sarmad recited the first half (There is no God). When Aurangzeb asked him to continue, Sarmad said, "Forgive me, but I am so caught up in the negative, that I cant not yet come up to the positive.I cannot tell a lie." Of course, he was invoking the kabbalistic conception of God, Ain Sof. He was beheaded. Later, the Jama Masjid coopted him after Aurangzeb's contemporaries embellished the story with incredible stories about Sarmad's severed head narrating the remaining part of the shahadah. 
Kamenetz visited Hazrat Sarmad's dargah in Delhi where he is still revered today. The irony is that he might have been a sufi mystic, neither fully Jewish, nor Hindu, nor a Muslim. Some, like the Italian visitor Manucci believed, perhaps mistakenly according to modern researchers that he was an atheist since he saw him praising 'Islam with Mohammedans, Hinduism with Hindus" and after Aurganzeb imprisoned him, "he had a wonderful relationship with Jesuit fathers". So, this 'hazrat', who might have been all or none of the above is worshipped as a saint today. 
Kamenetz - remember, he was an agnostic - went to his tomb and said kaddish. He wrote, "It all felt quite right, a recognition of our predecessor in dialogue - or a martyr to intolerance, take your pick. That there was such a thing as a Jewish Muslim saint who opened yet another door"
The Identity of a Mystic: The Case of Sa'id Sarmad, a Jewish-Yogi-Sufi Courtier of the Mughals by Nathan Katz - Access this paper at
[2] Maulana Azad was an admirer of Sarmad. You can read his essay 'Sarmad Shahid' and Sarmad's rubaiyat here 

(c) Arun Simha

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