Today there is a similar debate going on about Microsoft. It is being portrayed as this giant evil corporation whose domination can never be shaken off by the world. And that government regulation is the best way to "protect" us from these anti-competitive measures of the the company.Perhaps, he hasn't read OSS guru/hacker Eric Raymond's articles. Perhaps, this is a good time to begin. He should start by reading this article by Raymond and critique it on his blog. The title of the article is "Why Libertarians should not love Bill Gates." [Btw, one of the authors of the Halloween documents mentioned in that article was Sepia Mutineer, Vinod.]
I don't think so. I believe Microsoft deserves its success, and that Anti-Trust laws are unfair, anti-merit and extremely Orwellian. I also believe that Microsoft will meet its match unless it keeps satisfying its customers
More essays by Raymond are here. "Why am I an anarchist" is a must-read.
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