Usually, older folks run ultras; often people in 30-70 age group.
I am quite excited! I am running with a couple of friends who are planning to run the 50 mile race that day. One of these friends ran a 100K race last Saturday and the Big Sur marathon the week before. He is training for the Western States 100 mile race later this year, if he gets selected in the lottery.
Update: It was tough. The course was hilly throughout. It took me 8 hours and 30 minutes. I twisted my ankle at mile 12, kept running, but twisted it again at mile 14. I walked (and ran a bit) from mile 14 to 26 and then ran to mile 29. I hit the wall at mile 29, it was 85F by then. But I kept going. I knew that if I stopped for rest, I would not be able to move again. I slipped twice on steep descents, cramped both legs and walked the last mile in sheer agony. Glad to see my wife

Thanks to iPod for sustaining me throughout the eight and a half hours. I began by listening to the Beethoven symphonies that were made available by the BBC, moved to rock, some hindi film stuff and so on. When I was feeling really down, the playlist had by a strange quirk, moved to Joni Mitchell's California, an apposite ending to the long journey.
California I'm coming home
I'm going to see the folks I dig
I'll even kiss a Sunset pig
California I'm coming home

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